2011-06-13 22:26

松下DSC商务部门的总监Ichiro Kitao在接受国外媒体Photoradar采访时确认松下计划将GF产品线分为消费级和专业级相机分别进行发展。最近松下一直被批评说新的机型在功能和操控性上都比此前的要差,童鞋们,这说的就是GF3啊。考虑到GF3的市场反应,各位,松下这位哥们表示,新的GF机型将在不久的将来发布(我靠,太快了,产品推出),目标是有经验的专业摄影师。这位总监同时确认了,松下将集中精力推出GH2的下一代产品,主要将提高EVF性能。
n an interview with Photoradar, Panasonic’s Director of DSC Business unit Ichiro Kitao confirmed their plans to split the Lumix GF line into consumer and professional cameras. Lately Panasonic was criticized that their new models had less functionality/controls than their predecessors. In the case of the GF3, a new GF model aimed at experienced photographers will be released in the future (no exact date was given).
Kitao also confirmed that Panasonic will concentrate next on bringing out a successor to the GH2 and their main challenge is improving the EVF.
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